This is my website. If you have visited it before then most of the content will be familiar although I have added a number of pages and updated many others and simplified the look radically but, mostly, it is a demonstration of old wine in new bottles.
The site started in 1999 as nothing more than a way of sharing woodworking projects and ideas but over the years much was added. In this latest iteration a number of these extraneous bits were shed. I hope that the new material I added will be of some interest or will, at least, not be too boring. No good can come from pushing the reader into a coma.
I am slowly making progress with rewriting the site. Everything in the menu except for three two items are in final or near-final
condition. Take a look and if you see anything wrong, please email me. Oh, and please forgive the sometimes-odd effects — I'm
still exploring ways to do fun stuff without using javascript.
AN ADMISSION: since I wrote the bit above I've managed to get ever further behind in site maintenance. I could present excuses about being occupied
taking care of an ailing aged family member for a few years but laziness is more likely the real reason. Since my last travel postings I've made trips
to Wales, England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland and I'm preparing for a 101-mile hike in England and a visit to London starting in a few days. I'll try to do better, I promise.
This website does not use cookies or javascript and collects no user information.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the site will work properly with any modern standards-compliant web browser This site has been tested against the most current Windows versions of Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Brave, Chrome, Edge (both the original and new), Vivaldi and Tor and the most current Linux versions of Firefox, Chrome and Epiphany as of 19 February 2020. The oldest Microsoft browsers do not support some current formatting standards but the result is still legible.
No testing has been performed in the Apple world for lack of suitable equipment so, if you see something wrong there, please let me know. .
Should you wish to contact me about the site, email me at: